While the monsoon season brings much-needed relief from the scorching heat, it poses significant challenges for respiratory health.

Increased humidity and dampness can exacerbate lung conditions, making preventive measures crucial during this time of year. With this in mind and in line with the continued commitment to proactive patient care, Cipla’s comprehensive patient support initiative – Breathefree kicked off its Monsoon Yatra.

With an aim to help individuals understand their respiratory health status, the Yatra provides increased access to screenings for chronic lung diseases like asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Over three months, more than 4,000 camps will be conducted across the country, screening over 350,000 people.

India is facing a growing health crisis with a significant rise in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), where chronic respiratory diseases rank among the top three NCDs responsible for about 60% of all fatalities in the country.

While early detection and intervention can improve symptoms and quality of life, the majority of asthma and COPD cases remain undiagnosed.

Dr. Jayamohan Unnithan, Consultant Pulmonologist, emphasizes, “Monsoon brings numerous triggers, including heightened humidity, mold, cold air, and a greater risk of viral infections. Although these factors can impact any individual’s respiratory health, they pose significant challenges for individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

Allergens that thrive in humid environments, such as mold and dust mites, can lead to allergic reactions and worsen asthma as well as COPD symptoms, possibly leading to an attack.

Initiatives like the Breathefree Monsoon Yatra are vital in providing timely screening as well as counselling on disease management, correct device techniques, and emphasizing treatment adherence, especially during seasons that intensify these conditions.”

Cipla’s Breathefree initiative has been instrumental in providing comprehensive support resources for asthma &  COPD patients in the areas of screening, counselling, and treatment adherence.

The Breathefree Monsoon Yatra is a continuation of these efforts, ensuring that individuals across the country have access to the information and resources they need to breathe freely, regardless of the season.

The collaborative approach of awareness and action drives initiatives like Breathefree. Coupled with awareness campaigns like Berok Zindagi and Tuffies, which aim to destigmatize asthma and promote effective treatments – these efforts create a strong network of support for patients.