Human-wildlife conflict is an escalating challenge that impacts both biodiversity and communities throughout India, focusing on tackling the challenge, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College partnering with the Tamil Nadu Forest Department and the Coimbatore Forest Division hosted a 36-hour Hackathon, recently under the theme “Innovative Solutions for Human-Animal Conflict”.

This event aims to develop innovative and pioneering solutions to promote a more harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Sathish, Regional Passport Officer, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest and he inaugurated the event in the presence of Soundarrajan, Principal of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Professors Senthamilselvi, Geetha, Perumal, Rathi.

The event was held under the guidance of Venkatesh, Chief Conservator of Forests and Field Director, Anamalai Tiger Reserve, Coimbatore; Jayaraj, Coimbatore District Forest Officer; Girish Palwe, Assistant Conservator of Forest, Headquarters;  Naveen, Scientist Asian Elephant Conservation, Research and Conflict Management.

This hackathon aims to bring together passionate individuals, technologists, researchers, and problem solvers, to develop innovative, technology-driven solutions to effectively mitigate human-wildlife conflicts.

Out of 170 teams across India, nearly 21 teams were shortlisted for the final round which undergoes the 36 hour event.