Marking the silver jubilee of the Thiruvalluvar statue unveiled by the late Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, on 30th December 2024 M K Stalin, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu inaugurated India’s first and longest over-the-sea glass bridge in Kanniyakumari.

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The glass bridge connects the Vivekananda Memorial and the 133-foot-tall Thiruvalluvar statue in the district. The bridge is 77 metres long (252 feet) and 10 metres wide in bowstring shape.

The bridge is a 37-crore project completed by the Tamil Nadu government and it is designed to provide a unique visual experience and a transparent sea view to the visitors, as well as its surrounding landscape.

Earlier, tourists had to rely on a ferry service to travel to these two tourist places. With the inauguration of the glass bridge, visitors can now take a leisurely walk between the two monuments, cutting down on travel time and offering a more comfortable alternative.

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The bridge is built to withstand heavy wind and will bear harsh marine conditions. This structure is a combination of modern engineering and cultural heritage.

Besides these, it also offers a more accessible and sightseeing path between the two monuments, this, in turn, attracts tourists from across India and abroad, to this place, boosting tourism.