Chandramari International School (CMIS) celebrated Pongal, recently. The celebration was graced by the presence of the Chief Guest Kavidasan, Director, Roots Industries India Limited.

The festivities began with an engaging Rangoli Competition for parents. The event officially commenced with a prayer and the preparation of Pongal, a ceremonial offering to the Sun God, marking gratitude for a bountiful harvest.

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The school extended a warm and traditional welcome to Vijay Chandru, Executive Director of the school and Madhumitha Vijay Chandru.

Kavidasan in his speech, inspired the audience with his insightful thoughts on the significance of traditional festivals and the rich heritage of Indian culture.

A highlight of the day was the debate by the school students that was moderated by the Chief Guest. The young participants expressed their views, demonstrating their understanding of tradition and modernity.

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Kavidasan honoured the participating students and parents, acknowledging their enthusiasm and contribution to the celebration in the presence of Vishal Bhandari, Principal of the school and the staff.

“The Pongal celebration at CMIS not only embraced cultural traditions but also fostered a sense of community among students, parents, and staff, making it a memorable event for all,” noted the school.