The Rotary Foundation appreciated and recognised Rtn. AKRFC Leema Rose Martin, Director of The Martin Group and Managing Trustee of Martin Foundation for her remarkable philanthropic contribution to The Rotary Foundation at the Rotary Foundation Multi District Conclave, held in Cochin on 24th September 2024.

“Some women are made of steel, stones, tears, dust, bones and scars. Others are made of books, music, rainfall, stardust, moonlight, flowers, daydreams and wild adventures. The rare ones are made of both,” The words noted in the shield presented to Leema Rose.

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Rtn. Mark Daniel Maloney, International TRF Trustee Chair and Rtn. AKS. Adv Sundaravadivelu, District Governor, 3201 presented the shield to Rtn. AKRFC. Leema Rose Martin.