The KV Institute of Management and Information Studies, in collaboration with the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), recently organized a guest lecture on the topic “Digital Marketing: The Rise of Influencer Marketing and Brand Ambassadors.”
The session was conducted by Sai Dheepika, Senior Growth Marketer (SEO) at, brought a wealth of industry experience to the session.
During the session, Dheepika provided deep insights into the evolution of influencer marketing and brand ambassadors in the digital landscape. She discussed how businesses are leveraging digital marketing tools to enhance brand awareness, engage target audiences, and drive sales.
The session covered various digital marketing tools, their functionality, and their impact on modern business strategies. She emphasized the significance of influencer marketing in shaping consumer perceptions and driving brand credibility. Real-life case studies and practical examples were shared to illustrate how brands collaborate with influencers to create meaningful engagements and achieve business objectives.
The session was highly interactive, with MBA students actively participating in discussions, asking questions, and seeking guidance on implementing digital marketing strategies effectively.
The lecture provided students with a practical understanding of the latest trends in digital marketing, equipping them with valuable knowledge that can be applied in their future careers.