Commodore Raghav, Deputy Director General of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Andaman Nicobar Directorate, recently inspected the Group Headquarters, National Cadet Corps, Coimbatore, along with other NCC battalions.

The visit was coordinated by Colonel Ramanathan, Group Commander and it was a dynamic collaboration of strategic updates regarding training and administrative matters, engaging presentations and ceremonies.

The highlight of the day was the engaging presentation which delved into the innovative automation of NCC processes.

The visit also had a comprehensive tour of the battalions, where Commodore Raghav personally observed the exceptional professionalism and dedication of the staff and cadets.

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The event also featured a pipping ceremony (marking the end of their cadetship and the beginning of their service as commissioned officers) of Kannan, Company Commander, PSG College of Technology, who was awarded the Honorary rank of Major.

To be noted the honour was bestowed upon only five distinguished individuals across the country, and it was a testament to Kannan’s thirty years of commendable service and unwavering commitment to the NCC.

Following the activities in Coimbatore, Commodore Raghav proceeded to Salem for the second half of his inspection tour.