Marking the beginning of the New Year, the Rotary Club of Coimbatore Centennial donated lunch for old age people at Anbaham at Gandhimanagar on 1st January 2025. The aged people were fed with non-veg meals.

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Rtn K C Srinivasan, President; Rtn Karthikeyan GGR; Rtn Nelson, Treasurer; Rtn Guru Thangavelu , Rtn Murugesan,  Rtn Gopinath,  Rtn Arulsamy, Rtn Narein, Rtn Shanmuga Sundaram, Rtn Karuna Moorthy the club members participated and rendered their service to the needy.

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Rtn Guru Thangavelu distributed winter caps to the old age people and helped to meet their urgent needs.

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Rtn Murugesan, Rtn Panner, Rtn Varatharaj, Rtn Nelson, Rtn Karuna Moorthy and Rtn Thirumoorty were food sponsors. Rtn Shanmuga Sundaram sponsored special sweets for the children.