Department of Economics, PSG College of Arts & Science (PSGCAS) organized a seminar on Monetary Policy in association with the Reserve Bank of India, recently.

Dr. R. Ravikumar, Head of the Department welcomed the gathering. Dr. D. Brindha, Principal presided over the function and Dr. T. Kannaian, Secretary felicitated the gathering.

Dr .M. D. Patra, Deputy Governor and Member, Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), Reserve Bank of India mentioned in his Chief Guest address that the Monetary Policy is the first line of defence to safeguard the economy from price fluctuations and he enlightened on the working process of the monetary policy.

Further, he stated that RBI is committed to maintaining the inflation at the targeted 4 per cent and affirmed that the RBI is striving hard to maintain a stable inflation.

A team of experts from RBI also shared their expertise on monetary policies and the methodology adopted in the preparation of Monetary Policy. Faculty Members, Research Scholars and Students participated in the seminar.