The Department of Microbiology at Hindusthan College of Arts & Science (HICAS) celebrated the launch of its new association, “The Pasteurians,” recently.

The event was inaugurated by the esteemed Dr. K. Kadirvelu, Scientist ‘F’ at DEBEL-DRDO and Additional Director at the DRDO Industry Academia Centre of Excellence (DIA CoE), Bharathiar University.

The ceremony began with the traditional lighting of the ceremonial lamp. Dr. Kadirvelu’s participation underscored the high regard and support for this new academic venture.

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Dr. A. Ponnusamy, Principal of Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, delivered a welcome address.  He extended a heartfelt welcome to Dr. Kadirvelu and all attendees, emphasizing the significance of “The Pasteurians” association in fostering a culture of scientific excellence and innovation. Dr. Ponnusamy also recognized Dr. Kadirvelu’s significant contributions to science and national security, noting that his insights would provide valuable inspiration and guidance for the department’s future endeavours.

In his keynote address, Dr. Kadirvelu offered a profound discourse on the broader implications of non-conventional warfare and its relevance in today’s complex global landscape. He highlighted the critical role of the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in addressing emerging challenges through advanced research and strategic innovation.

He also emphasized the importance of integrating scientific research with practical applications to enhance national security and technological advancement, providing attendees with a deeper understanding of how microbiology intersects with defence technologies.

The event received enthusiastic feedback from students, who found the ceremony both enlightening and inspiring.

Many students expressed their excitement about the new perspectives gained, particularly regarding the intersection of microbiology and defence technologies.

The discussion on interdisciplinary approaches was particularly well-received, highlighting the importance of such collaborations in advancing both scientific research and practical applications.

The inauguration of “The Pasteurians” marks a significant milestone for the Department of Microbiology at Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, promising a future of innovative research and interdisciplinary collaboration.