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Rathinam College of Arts & Science (RCAS) celebrated the outstanding achievement of Cadet Barath Raj, a second-year B.Sc Artificial Intelligence and Data Science student, who earned a bronze medal at the prestigious All India Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) in Delhi.

The cadet competed in the Judging Distance and Field Signals (JDFS) and his success is a testament to his dedication, perseverance, and the steadfast support of the college.

Barath’s journey began with rigorous training and competitive selection rounds at the college and unit levels. His unwavering determination saw him through challenging sessions, including Obstacle Training, and despite facing obstacles, his strong performance in Map Reading (MR) and Health & Hygiene (H&H) secured him a position on the Tamil Nadu team.

His efforts were rewarded when he clinched a gold medal in JDFS at the Inter-Group Competition (IGC), earning him a place at the national camp in Delhi.

Rathinam College continues to be a strong supporter of its cadets’ endeavors.

Last year, Cadet Aswin Thampy also made the institution proud by representing Tamil Nadu at the national level in the RDC Cultural category. The college is committed to nurturing students’ talents across various fields, including leadership, culture, and physical training.

At the national camp, Cadet Barath and his team faced intense competition but remained focused and resilient. Their hard work culminated in a 3rd-place finish in the Senior Division category of JDFS, a significant achievement for the Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Andaman & Nicobar (TN, P&AN) directorate.

The camp experience extended beyond competition, instilling valuable lessons in teamwork, leadership, and discipline.

Rathinam Group of Institutions, guided by mentors like Revathi, NCC CTO Bhaarathi Ilango, and the dedicated administration, has played a crucial role in encouraging students to participate in national events like TSC, contributing to their holistic development.

Rathinam College remains committed to supporting and guiding its students toward excellence in academics and extracurricular activities, including the National Cadet Corps (NCC).